World languages

Revise the present of the -er verbs.
Easy worsheet for a revision of the present tense of the regular -er verbs. Use it for a reminder at all levels at KS3 or KS4 . There are two activities and a third one could be a translation of the sentences. I have also included some French phrases for the students who finish quickly.

The future tense
French for KS3 or KS4 Future tense part 1
Presentation with powerpoint
For er, ir and re verbs.

the future tense part 1 and part 2
The two types of future tense
Ideal to introduce the future tense to beginners or as a reminder to GCSE students.
A powerpoint including lots of examples. Pairwork or group work.

Je ne m'ennuie pas!
Grammar worksheet on the negatives suitable for KS3 students. Use it as an introduction to the negative or an extension. Two activities best done in pairs. Some verbs are irregular.